News , Press releases 03/01/2010
Saniflo Unveils ‘Quiet Range’ Saniplus Macerator With Higher Performance, Quieter Operation
The redesigned SANIPLUS – part of the new “Quiet Range” lineup of macerating systems from SFA Saniflo – offers faster cutting action and a quieter performance that is nearly 10 decibels less than the previous generation. The noise levels of older SANIPLUS units are comparable to that of a conventional gravity-flush toilet, notes Saniflo CEO Regis Saragosti. Nonetheless, the recent introduction of the new, quieter SANIPLUS is in response to user requests to lower the volume a bit.
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Blog 12/01/2009
Compact, Dual-Flush SANICOMPACT® Saves Water, Turns Tight Spaces into New Powder Rooms
The versatile, one-piece SANICOMPACT toilet from SFA Saniflo Inc. offers a reliable green solution that saves both water and floor space in a residential powder room application. The product installs quickly and easily anywhere in the home, with no venting required. In addition to handling toilet waste, the SANICOMPACT can also pump water away from a nearby sink.
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Case Studies 11/09/2009
Sanicubic Lift Station Solves Industrial Firm’s Long-Distance Drainage Problems
With below-floor drainage not an option, new duplex grinder device pumps effluent from silkscreen washout booth at one end of Chicago manufacturer’s 15,000 ft building to floor drain 100 ft away.
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Case Studies 09/12/2009
No Bathroom? No Prob. The Saniflo Macerating Toilet Eases Construction Headaches
Contractor installs macerating plumbing system to create a temporary, full-service, employee bathroom at a shopping mall construction site, saving the building contractor substantial time and money!
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Case Studies 09/09/2009
PACE Supply’s Training Efforts Build Markets Despite Down Economy
Northern California wholesaler PACE Supply invests in employee and customer product training and uses these educational efforts as a driver for growth.
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